- Condition the polymer clay and spread it on a ceramic tile or a surface to which the clay will adhere and can be baked.
- Place a cut-out piece that you want to work with bright colored side down on the clay surface.
- Smooth gently the film with the fingers to remove the bubbles from air bubbles. We like to leave the sheet on the polymer clay for 15 minutes before removing the protective paper.
- The recommended method for dissolving the paper backing: hold the entire plate still on the tile (or other firing surface) under a stream of water at very low pressure. The paper paper will start a dissolve y disappear. Do not worry if any paper remains on the clay at this stage, as it is safer to wash it off after baking.
- Let dry. Cut y bake the clay about the tile, for no have that touch the print, now that could stain. By alleged, the clay to you can remove with a scarf from paper y place it about another surface.
- A This time that the parts baked to have cooling, the lint from paper remaining to can remove under the faucet.
Sealing: Although no he had no problem at opt by no seal the image –for use staff–, I continue recommending seal it with the sealant from your election for example resin UV– for guarantee the longevity of the image.